business coaching mindset
An Inside-Out Approach to Coaching in the Online Space

Today we’re doing a deeper dive into the world of coaching in the online space. More specifically, I have a fascinating conversation with Rhaya Lynn about working with our coaching clients to grow from the inside-out, supporting them on their journey of personal growth and development as they navigate life transitions. 

If you enjoy this episode and resonate with it in any way, we’d love to hear about it! Take a screenshot of you listening to our show, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me @goingroguewithmlp and Rhaya @rhayalynnn.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How Rhaya found her way as a mindset coach and therapist with a holistic approach to addictions and mental health
  • The trials and tribulations of being location independent as an entrepreneur
  • Thoughts and beliefs that were perpetuated in OT school that no longer serve us as OT practitioners and entrepreneurs
  • Why in some situations it makes sense to drop the OT title 
  • How entrepreneurship drives personal growth and transformation — and the challenge of finding the right coaches or personal therapists to support that growth
  • Honest conversations about setting healthy boundaries in our relationships


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