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In today's episode, we do a deeper dive into navigating life's transitions and handling adversity. My special guest is Jess Hill, an OT with over 15 years experience in a number of different areas of practice including in a rural hospital in South Africa, in private practice, in the online space as both a course creator and a coach and more recently, as a senior therapist in an addictions clinic located in a castle in the Scottish countryside. 

During our interview, Jess shares about the hardships she's encountered over the years and how this has led to more opportunities in both personal growth and professional development. She's a great testament to how one can turn struggles into successes! 

In this episode you'll hear about:

  • The unique challenges of working in the online space when based in South Africa
  • How Jess's struggles in balancing work/life/home responsibilities served as inspiration in creating her online program "Mastermind Your Motherhood"
  • Jess's battle in overcoming imposter syndrome
  • The therapeutic benefits of journaling 
  • Why OTs who are working as coaches can still benefit from having coaches
  • Jess's eventful experience moving from South Africa back to Scotland during the pandemic
  • The work that Jess does in terms of addictions, recovery and trauma-informed care
  • An OT perspective on EMDR (and why more therapists should be trained in this modality)
  • Tools and techniques to manage being triggered by our clients' stories of trauma
  • The importance of having childhood in how it relates to resilience later in life


You can connect with Jess on Facebook and Instagram, or through her website: www.jessicahill.org

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