business coaching

Welcome back, everyone! Today, we're kicking things off with a special guest, none other than James Wedmore, where the focus is on all things coaching.

Transitioning from clinician to coach is a great way for therapists to grow and evolve in the online space -- and we all know that there's certainly a need for qualified coaches! Yet many therapists often get stuck on the business side of things, including marketing, sales and pricing. While James and I have different approaches to our coaching methodology (and our business models as a whole), we both agree that a successful coaching relationship can be the instigator for transformational results. So what do you need to do to attract your ideal clients and shine your light brightly as a coach?


  • What it takes to build a six-figure coaching business.
  • Why the “right” way might not always be the way that’s right for you.
  • How you can forge your own path in what seems to be an overcrowded space.
  • The secret to tapping into your zone of genius and sharing it with the world!


To learn more about James and his teaching style, join us for his upcoming training series that kicks off on June 2nd 2022, The Rise of the Digital CEO.

If this episode has inspired you to share your own expertise with the world as a coach, I would love it if you’d leave a review and share your thoughts with me.

And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram.

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