women's health

Today's episode is a combination of many of my passions -- women's health, coaching, mindset AND entrepreneurship.

Dr. Jessica Drummond is the founder and CEO of The Integrative Women’s Health Institute, The Outsmart Endo Health Coaching Program, and the creator of the Women's Health Coach Certification. She's passionate about caring for and empowering people who struggle with women’s and pelvic health concerns, as well as educating and supporting clinicians and wellness professionals in confidently and safely using integrative tools to transform women’s and pelvic healthcare.

After receiving my Women’s Health Coach Certification a few weeks ago, I’m so excited to bring Dr. Drummond’s two decades of expertise to our OTGR community and I can’t wait to hear what your biggest takeaways are!


  • Jessica’s journey from PT to integrative women’s health coach.
  • How to shut down that women’s health coach impostor syndrome.
  • Why no one is perfectly “healthy”.
  • The two questions you need to be asking yourself as a women’s health coach
  • The secret to honing in on your messaging as both a clinician and coach.

To check out Jessica's programs, including her Women's Health Coaching Certification, click HERE!

And if you want to learn more about the different ways we're supporting OTs in the coaching industry, whether you're just getting started or you're growing a six-figure coaching practice, go to www.otsgonerogue.com/coaching.

If you want to stay in the know with our podcast, go ahead and sign up for our OTGR Newsletter -- we'll send you our most recent podcast episodes, behind-the-scenes details + bonus resources, directly to your inbox!

And if this episode resonated with you in any way, I would love to hear from you.

Connect with me on Instagram 
@OTsGoneRogue or drop me an email at [email protected].

Make sure to connect with Dr. Drummond on Instagram @IntegrativeWomensHealth and on Facebook @IntegrativePelvicHealth

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